Two New The LOOP Zurich Research Consortia
16.12.2022 16:35
At the annual event The LOOP Zurich 2022, the new The LOOP research consortia were presented for the first time. LOOBesity and mTORUS are the two winning projects of The LOOP Zurich 2022 call for proposals. The two projects will start in 2023.
The LOOP Zurich’s 2022 call was met with great interest and resulted in numerous high-caliber submissions. After a multi-stage evaluation process, two projects were proposed to the steering committee for funding. At this point, we would like to thank the international scientific advisory board of The LOOP Zurich.
The LOOBesity and mTORUS are the projects selected.
More about the projects: https://www.news.uzh.ch/en/articles/news/2022/the-loop-zurich.html
With these projects, The LOOP Zurich branches out in its promotion of precision medicine in Zurich. In addition to precision oncology INTeRCePT and neurorehabilitation StimuLOOP, precision medicine projects in the fields of metabolic diseases LOOBesity and infectious diseases/immunology mTORUS have now been added.
Both projects are anchored at ETH as well as UZH and work closely with the university hospitals in Zurich. The starting date for both is 2023.