INTeRCePT Retreat in Stels GR
29.01.2024 18:16
At an altitude of 1280 meters above sea level, the seven research groups of the INTeRCePT consortium gathered for a retreat in a former recuperation home for Grison farmwomen. The 2024 agenda though called for an intensive engagement with this collaborative research project.
It was impressive to see how closely and constructively the researchers from five different institutions are now collaborating. In a first part, the young researchers presented their respective progress and contributions to the project. Subsequently, various workshops were conducted to further elaborate the overarching project goals and specify the interfaces between the research groups.
The scientific part was rounded off by a poster exhibition, providing an opportunity to discuss in-depth various aspects of the project. The challenges were not only of a scientific nature; there were also opportunities for sports enthusiasts to make the most of the beautiful location of the retreat. Despite the not-so-sunny sun-terrace in Prättigau, there was enough snow for some snowshoe excursions. The less ambitious athletes, on the other hand, worked up a sweat playing “Töggelen” (table football).