1. Liebers N, Bruch PM, Terzer T, Hernandez-Hernandez M, Paramasivam N, Fitzgerald D, Altmann H, Roider T, Kolb C, Knoll M, Lenze A, Platzbecker U, Röllig C, Baldus C, Serve H, Bornhäuser M, Hübschmann D, Müller-Tidow C, Stölzel F, Huber W, Benner A, Zenz T, Lu J, Dietrich S. «Ex vivo drug response profiling for response and outcome prediction in hematologic malignancies: the prospective non-interventional SMARTrial». Nat Cancer. 2023 Oct 2.
2. Lütge A, Lu J, Hüllein J, Walther T, Sellner L, Wu B, Rosenquist R, Oakes CC, Dietrich S, Huber W, Zenz T. «Subgroup-specific gene expression profiles and mixed epistasis in chronic lymphocytic leukemia». Haematologica 2023. 108:2664–2676.
3. Apostolova P, Kreutmair S, Toffalori C, Punta M, Unger S, Burk AC, Wehr C, Maas-Bauer K, Melchinger W, Haring E, Hoefflin R, Shoumariyeh K, Hupfer V, Lauer EM, Duquesne S, Lowinus T, Gonzalo Núñez N, Alberti C, da Costa Pereira S, Merten CH, Power L, Weiss M, Böke C, Pfeifer D, Marks R, Bertz H, Wäsch R, Ihorst G, Gentner B, Duyster J, Boerries M, Andrieux G, Finke J, Becher B, Vago L, Zeiser R. «Phase II trial of hypomethylating agent combined with nivolumab for acute myeloid leukaemia relapse after allogeneic haematopoietic cell transplantation-immune signature correlates with response». Br J Haematol. 2023 Oct; 203(2):264–281.
International Conference Contributions:
1. Apostolova P, Kreutmair S, Toffalori C, Punta M, Unger S, Burk AC, Wehr C, Maas-Bauer K, Melchinger W, Haring E, Hoefflin R, Shoumariyeh K, Hupfer V, Lauer EM, Duquesne S, Lowinus T, Gonzalo Núñez N, Alberti C, da Costa Pereira S, Merten CH, Power L, Weiss M, Böke C, Pfeifer D, Marks R, Bertz H, Wäsch R, Ihorst G, Gentner B, Duyster J, Boerries M, Andrieux G, Finke J, Becher B, Vago L, Zeiser R.Br J Haematol. 2023 Oct; 203(2):264–281. doi: 10.1111/bjh.19007. Epub 2023 Aug 4.PMID: 37539479.
2. Wertheimer T, Baniadam H, Reisenauer S, Pohly M, Rindlisbacher L, Lin M, Kreutmair S, Unger S, Kivioja J, Moor A, Becher B, Huber W, Zenz T. «Dissecting the Single Cell Landscape of Leukemic Mantle Cell Lymphoma». ASH – Annual Meeting and Exposition – Session 622. Lymphomas: Translational – Non-Genetic: Illuminating the Tumor Microenvironment and Immune Landscape in Lymphoma.
3. Baniadam H, Wertheimer T, Reisenauer S, Gutwein O, Huong Lan Do T, Pohly M, Cannizzaro E, Rindlisbacher L, Kreutmair S, Unger S, Ulutekin C, Vermeer M, Sparano C, Moor A, Huber W, Becher B, Zenz T. «Deciphering the Dynamics of the B-NHL Single-Cell Landscape during BTK Inhibition». ASH – Annual Meeting and Exposition – Session 622. Lymphomas: Translational – Non-Genetic: Illuminating the Tumor Microenvironment and Immune Landscape in Lymphoma.
1. Salzmann L, Bichsel O, Ravi DK, Lestoille M, Easthope CA, Baumann CR, Luft AR, Taylor WR, Gassert R, Lambercy O. «Neurofeedback for precision rehabilitation of Parkinson’s patients». Brain Stimulation: Basic, Translational, and Clinical Research in Neuromodulation 2023; 16(1).
2. Conde C, Lang C, Baumann CR, Easthope CA, Taylor WR, Ravi DK. «Triggers for Freezing of Gait in Individuals with Parkinson’s Disease: A Systematic Review». Frontiers in Neurology: Sec. Movement Disorders; 2023; Volume 14
3. Pohl J, Ryser A, Veerbeek JM, Verheyden G, Vogt JE, Luft AR, Easthope CA. «Classification of Functional and Non-functional Arm Use by Inertial Measurement Units in Individuals with Upper Limb Impairment after Stroke». Frontiers of Physiology. 28. Sept 2022, Vol 13.
4. Pohl J, Ryser A, Veerbeek JM, Verheyden G, Vogt JE, Luft AR, Easthope CA. «Accuracy of Gait and Posture Classification using Movement Sensors in Individuals with Mobility Impairment after Stroke». Frontiers of Physiology. 26. Sept 2022, Vol. 13
International Conference Contributions:
1. Sutter TM, Manduchi L, Ryser A, Vogt JE. «Learning Group Importance using the Differentiable Hypergeometric Distribution». 2023. 11th International Conference on Learning Representations, ICLR 2023, Kigali, Rwanda.
2. Sutter* TM, Ryser* A, Liebeskind J, Vogt JE. «Differentiable Random Partition Models». 36th Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems. 2023. New Orleans, USA.
3. Sutter* TM, Ryser* A, Liebeskind J, Vogt JE. «Uncovering Latent Structure Using Random Partition Models. Workshop on Structured Probabilistic Inference & Generative Modeling». 2023. International Conference on Machine Learning, Honolulu, Hawaii.
4. Sutter* TM, Ryser* A, Liebeskind J, Vogt JE. «Differentiable Set Partitioning. Workshop Differentiable Almost Everything: Differentiable Relaxations, Algorithms, Operators, and Simulator». 2023. International Conference on Machine Learning, Honolulu, Hawaii.
5. Manduchi* L, Vandenhirtz* M, Ryser A, Vogt JE. «Tree Variational Autoencoder». 2023. 36th Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems. New Orleans, USA.
6. Böni A, Menard T, Ryser A, Lestoille M, Ravi DK, Branscheidt M, Vogt JE, Luft AR, Easthope CA. «The Handshake: Merging clinical and data-driven therapy target selection processes forgait quality». 2023. Motek European User Group Meeting. Cereneo Clinic in Vitznau, Schweiz.
7. Böni A, Menard T, Ryser A, Lestoille M, Ravi DK, Branscheidt M, Vogt JE, Luft AR, Easthope CA. «Handshake-algorithm: AI-Driven clinical decision support for post-stroke gaitrehabilitation». 2023. International Society of Gait and Posture Research. Brisbane, Australien.
8. Kasties V, Moser NH, Zamora S, Maffei T, Sassenburg R, Ferster ML, Easthope CA, Baumann CR, Luft AR, Huber R, Branscheidt M, Maric A. «Processing of musical cues in the context of targeted memory reactivation for lower-limb motor learning». 2023. Psychologie und Gehirn. Tübingen, Deutschland.
9. Moser NH, Kasties V, et al., Branscheidt M, Maric A. «Sleep tight, move right: The role of targeted memory reactivation in motor learning». 2023. Interdisciplinary College Spring School. Guenne, Deutschland.
10. Zamora SA, Kasties VI, Moser NH, Easthope CA, Ferster ML, Maric A, Luft AR, Huber R, Branscheidt M. 2022. «Targeted memory reactivation of feedback-based motor adaptation learning». World Conference of Neurorehabilitation. Wien, Österreich