Update on The LOOP Zurich Platform Projects
18.07.2023 14:17
Earlier this year, we launched a call for platform projects at The LOOP Zurich. These projects shall contribute to the further development of The LOOP Zurich BMIP. In total, 8 teams have submitted full applications.
The LOOP Zurich BMIP aims to become a state-of-the-art computing platform for medical research purposes. To achieve optimal usability, we strive to expand the scope of The LOOP Zurich BMIP and develop and implement a sustainable infrastructure that enables the integration of new and complementary types of health-related data such as -omics data, imaging data, and quasi-real-time data (high-frequency recordings) into The LOOP Zurich BMIP.
Additionally, advanced tools for data analysis and new analysis techniques based on artificial intelligence will be developed. These techniques are capable of processing large amounts of relevant medical data of different types. They are expected to lead to new insights into medical problems and/or predict possible outcomes and treatment responses, thereby supporting and improving clinical decision-making.
Researchers from partner institutions were invited to submit preliminary applications. One requirement was interdisciplinary and synergistic collaboration between at least two institutions in the projects. The financial support for a The LOOP Zurich BMIP project, to be conducted over a period of 3 years, amounts to a maximum of 1 million CHF.
After reviewing the preliminary applications, the teams were invited to submit full applications. In total, eight full applications were received by July 15th, 2023. It is extremely gratifying that so many innovative project proposals have been submitted by interdisciplinary teams from Zurich. These proposals are now undergoing an international peer-review process, which will be completed with the decision on funding allocation by August 31st, 2023.
Project start dates are possible from October 1st, 2023.