The LOOP research consortia introduce themself (videos)
22.04.2021 13:40
At the kick-off event of The LOOP Zurich on April 20, 2021, the first two positively evaluated research consortia were presented for the first time.
At the kick-off event of The LOOP Zurich on April 20, 2021, the first two positively evaluated research consortia were presented for the first time. These will now be funded with five million swiss francs each for the next five years. The researchers and their groups develop novel, personalized therapies – on the one hand in oncology (“INTeRCePT”) and on the other hand in neuro-rehabilitation (“StimuLOOP”).
Prof. Dr. Markus Rudin, founding director of The LOOP Zurich, introduced the two main applicants of the two projects: Prof. Dr. Thorsten Zenz (Clinic for Medical Oncology and Hematology, University Hospital Zurich) for the “INTeRCePT” consortium and Prof. Dr. Andreas Luft (Department of Neurology, University Hospital Zurich) for the “StimuLOOP” consortium.
See their project presentations here in the videos: